Nudist groups advocate for the right to practice nudity, believing that the human body should be presented in its most natural form. The granola brand Bear Naked shows compassion with this group and partnered with Gaia GPS to launch the first nude-friendly hiking trail system, specifically designed to increase the accessibility of nude hiking.
Summer hikers in America will now be able to enjoy Kellogg’s Bear Naked granola whilst trekking confidently, safely, and above all, nakedly, in the summer heat. They can use the Gaia GPS app to review over 300 trails and determine whether they are friendly to the naked wanderer, whether physically, or socially, using a discreet emoji code system.
The collaboration between Bear Naked and Gaia GPS aims to give the nudist community the perfect resource to explore and enjoy the beauty of the natural world, whilst ensuring that all local laws are followed.
For those racy rovers who want to keep fueled up, the brand has created a specially designed hiking belt that covers certain areas strategically with a bag of Bear Naked granola, get yours here.
Image credits: Bear Naked, Leo Burnett Chicago.
Kim Pillen