In 2023, Apple joined the ‘study with me’ trend that has been gaining popularity over the last years. The video, which has amassed over 18 million views so far, allows viewers to study along with famous Actress Storm Reid. The session follows the pomodoro technique (25 minutes of work, 5 minutes break) and provides some chill study music in the background.
Judging from the views, Apple has found a way to convince many people to willingly look at a 90-minute commercial – but it is also pretty easy to see why. Instead of sending out a commercial message for people to absorb, they have transformed their ‘ad’ into something that is actually useful and supportive in people’s lives; guided study sessions that help people learn.
Generation Z is constantly exploring new dimensions of media platforms, something also discussed in the YouTube Culture & Trends Report 2023. Instead of actively listening or viewing videos, it is common for young people to put on a stream or long content video for functional purposes or background vibes (for example the famous Lofi Girl stream that combines cosy vibes with mellow study beats).
Kim Pillen
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