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How to deal with post-vacation blues on the workfloor

If you’ve been on vacation this summer, you might come back to colleagues asking whether you’re feeling reinvigorated and recharged – itching to jump back into work. You might even find yourself saying ‘yes’ because you feel like that’s what you’re ‘supposed’ to feel like. Just know that you’re not the only one having trouble transitioning back into the 9-to-5. A British poll found that 57% of people feel depressed or deflated after coming home from traveling. As a matter of fact, there is even a name for it: post-vacation blues or post-travel depression (PTD) if you want to get even more serious about it. 

So let’s share some tips from Greater Good Magazine on how to make the transition more bearable:

  • ‘Calendar block’ the first couple of days after your return. This is not to say you won’t work, but this allows you a smoother transition back into work wherein you dictate what you want to do and which things should receive priority. 
  • Plan post-vacation leisure activities. We are often so focused on the vacation itself that we forget how important it is to plan fun activities beyond the holiday itself. Having exciting leisure activities to look forward to makes the transition less black/white and allows you to be more excited about coming home. 
  • Anticipate and eliminate home stress. It can really help to get in front of the sources of stress that will present itself when you get home from vacation. For example, coming home late? Make sure to have some dinner in the freezer. Or already decide how you will spend your first work day. 


So are you struggling to adjust back to regular life after a great holiday experience? Use these tips to your advantage to make the transition as smooth as possible and before you know it you’ll be back on track. 

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Douwe Knijff

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Kim Pillen


Before Kim Pillen started as a trend consultant at TrendsActive, she worked for four years as a creative strategist at Dept. For brands such as Philips,, Beiersdorf, JBL, and the Consumers’ Association, she built (online) campaign, brand, and social media strategies. After four years, she decided that she wanted to better understand people and society in order to advise brands more effectively. That’s how she ended up at TrendsActive. Here, she can do what she loves most: digging into people’s needs and then working with brands to see how and where they can be relevant and meaningful.

Douwe Knijff


Douwe is fascinated by how people work. With a background in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (Bachelor) and Psychology (Master) and an analytical mind he tries figure out how societal shifts manifest themselves through social culture and human behaviour.

Aljan De Boer

Keynote speaker

Aljan has been widely recognized as an inspiring professional speaker on the critical trends that will shape society in the decades to come. He works as the Head of Inspiration at TrendsActive, a trend consultancy from the Netherlands using social science to human-proof business decision for brands like

  • Disney
  • Vodafone
  • Hugo Boss
  • ASR
  • Rabobank

Next to his role at TrendsActive he is the Community Director at the Institute for Real Growth where he inspires and connects a global community of +400 CMOs.  

He has been on the board of the Dutch Platform of Innovative Marketing for almost a decade. Regular speaker and moderator for the Dutch Marketing Awards and 3 times winner of the best of MIE. 

Kees Elands

Founder & Strategist

Kees his purpose is to help ambitious leaders and brands to human-proof their business. In 2003 he founded TrendsActive, a trend consultancy enabling brands to become more human centric.

Kees consults global brands like

  • Disney
  • The Coca-Cola Company
  • Asics
  • Discovery Channel
  • Swiss Life
  • Vodafone

and many more.

Next to being the founder of TrendsActive, he is also initiator of the first academic trend master for executives at the University of Utrecht and is initiator of various trend studies and white papers on subjects like trust, meaning, visual culture & generations.

Kees Elands

Founder & Strategist

Kees Elands

Founder & Strategist