The DINKWAD (double-income, no-kids, with-a-dog) lifestyle is on the rise. DINKs is actually an old buzzword, coined when yuppies (a 1980s buzzword for young urban professionals) started pairing up. Since then, the trend toward pet humanization and declining birth rates has accelerated, having long-term economic and social impacts. Nowadays, pets—especially dogs—are viewed as family members and kid substitutes by Gen Z and millennials.
You’re probably thinking that this trend is perhaps a little niche—and maybe a bit on the pricey side. Who on earth would pay €300 for a portrait of their dog and luxurious dog shampoo? However, DINKs have some serious spending power and are the driving force behind the prestige pet market. Think of brands such as Park Bests, Celine launching dog accessories, and OUAI dog shampoo.
DINKs are one of the travel industry’s most sought-after customers. Research by shows that 41% of DINKs have put off having kids to enjoy more adventurous holidays, and 64% say they haven’t yet had children because they like having more disposable income. It’s that disposable income that travel companies are after, and can be interesting for many brands. The DINKWAD label isn’t just a way for marketing bods to talk about a specific demographic, though. On social media, young people with dogs are owning and embracing the label, with the tag #dinkwad got almost 60 million views on TikTok.
So, if you find yourself scrolling on your phone and wondering why every dog seems to be living a better life than you, just remember: It’s a DINKWAD world, and we’re all just living in it.
Meera Radhoe
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